Lisa shield Presents:

Five Mindset Shifts Powerful Women Use

to Attract a True and Equal Partner.

Attract an Extraordinary Partnership that Aligns with Your Personal and Professional Life

  • Learn to identify red flags early and stop wasting time on men who are not at your level.

  • Discover how to build trust and intimacy with a high-caliber man while honoring your independence.

  • Understand how to create a love life that complements your successful career.

  • Unlock the secrets to attracting a partner who values your ambition and success.

  • Identify and overcome common dating obstacles faced by successful women.

Our Client


I loved my late husband, but because of your brilliant course, I found love again. Bill is truly the guardian of my soul. He has 100 percent of everything I always wanted, and I couldn’t be happier.

Elaine G.


I was so masculine! Now, I take the feminine lead and shower men with appreciation, admiration, and respect. My whole way of being in the dating process has changed dramatically through your course!

Therese V.


I really thought I might die alone with my dogs. I'm eternally grateful for your work and the life that led you to offer this course. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who wants to meet their person and have what they've been longing for because it works.

Natalie K.


A few days ago, my man said to me that he sees me as his wife. I can't begin to describe to you how happy and full I feel. He is truly UNREAL! The kindest, most decent man I know. I wish I could yell from the roof top!

Crystal L.


Thank you Benjamin for your guidance on this as the prospects are beyond my expectations in quality and quantity! I’m enjoying reading how they express themselves to me! I’ve not experienced that before. One guy said he read my profile 3 times and he was so touched by it."

Debbie G.


I have met an amazing man who surprises me with love notes hidden around my home, who pays for everything, drives everywhere, and spolied me rotten on my birthday! Over the course of 9 months, it sort of crept up on me when, all of a sudden, I woke up and was like, “Oh my God! I've met the Guardian of My Soul!”

Dipika K.
